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Waste Vehicles Recycle Awards Application Review and approval project.

The government encourages the public to expedite the phasing out of old motor vehicles and to properly dispose of scrapped vehicles, effectively reducing environmental issues arising from improper disposal. Since 1999, the Ministry of Environmental Protection has been incentivizing vehicle owners to send scrapped vehicles to certified and audited legal recycling systems through the application for reward funds. The goal is to monitor and enhance the quantity of scrapped vehicles recycled and properly processed. Under the diligent promotion efforts of the Environmental Protection Administration, from 2003 to the present, approximately 9.5 million scrapped vehicles have been brought into legal recycling systems through this policy. This project primarily involves processing applications for reward funds submitted by the public for scrapped vehicles, concurrently assisting in coordinating with recycling businesses, and providing consultation services on relevant matters to the public. As of December 31, a total of 1,327,723 cases have been processed for acceptance and inspection. The project involves regular communication with recycling businesses, averaging nearly 300 interactions per month, and handling 75,654 incoming/outgoing phone calls. With over 17 years of experience, this project has established standardized operating procedures for the disbursement of reward funds, aligning with the expectations of applicants and the direction of policy promotion.
Waste vehicle, recycle award, review and approval, application, approval checklist